In-Flight Connectivity: The Multi-Orbit Revolution | Get SAT
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In-Flight Connectivity:
The Multi-Orbit Revolution

August 30, 2023

In the age of digitalization, staying connected is no longer a luxury but a necessity. This need for constant connectivity extends to the skies, where passengers expect seamless internet access during their flights.

From its earliest days, aviation technology has been profoundly influenced by the needs and demands of military operations. The stringent requirements of military aviation for speed, maneuverability, payload, and stealth, to name a few, have always pushed the boundaries of what is technologically possible. Such innovations, born out of military necessity, have had a cascading effect on the broader aviation industry.

In-flight connectivity talking videocall-conference

As these advancements mature and are refined, they often find applications in the commercial sector. With the increasing accessibility of sophisticated aviation technology, what was once exclusively in the domain of military operations is now poised to become a standard feature in commercial aviation.

The introduction of the Multi-orbit technology, which seamlessly integrates networks between Low Earth Orbit (LEO), Medium Earth Orbit (MEO), and Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO) satellite constellations, has revolutionized in-flight connectivity. This article explores the intricacies of this technology and its impact on the passenger experience.

Traditional In-Flight Connectivity

Traditionally, in-flight connectivity relied on GEO satellites, which orbit at around 36,000 kilometers above the Earth. While providing broad coverage, the latency and limited bandwidth of GEO satellites often resulted in slow and inconsistent connections.

With the advent of LEO and MEO satellites, the scenario began to change. LEO satellites, orbiting at around 1,200 kilometers, and MEO satellites, orbiting at around 8,000 kilometers, offered lower latency and higher bandwidth. However, the challenge was to maintain a stable connection as the satellites moved across the sky.

The Multi-Orbit Solution

Get SAT MoComm (Multi-Orbit Communication) technology has emerged as a game-changer in this context. By blending and transferring networks between LEO, MEO, and GEO satellite constellations, it ensures a seamless and robust connection. Here’s how it works:

Blending of Networks

The technology utilizes a combination of LEO and GEO (KU), or MEO and GEO (KA) satellites, selecting the best available network based on factors like location, satellite availability, and current network load. This blending ensures optimal performance and minimizes latency.

Dynamic Handover

As the aircraft moves, the system dynamically hands over the connection between different satellites, maintaining a consistent link without any manual intervention. This ensures that passengers experience uninterrupted connectivity throughout their flight.

Enhanced Bandwidth

By leveraging the strengths of different satellite constellations, MoComm (Multi-orbit) technology offers higher bandwidth, allowing passengers to enjoy data-intensive activities like streaming, video conferencing, and online applications.

Impact on Passenger Experience

Improved Connectivity

MoComm (Multi-orbit) technology provides passengers with a connection that rivals ground-based networks. Whether it’s sending an important email or watching a favorite show, passengers can do it all without any hassle.

Personalized Services

Airlines can utilize enhanced connectivity to offer personalized in-flight entertainment and services, such as real-time travel updates, personalized shopping, and more.

Business Productivity

For business travelers, the reliable and fast connection means they can continue working as if they were in their office, attending virtual meetings, accessing cloud services, and more.

Get SAT Solution for In-Flight connectivity

When it comes to cutting-edge airborne satellite communication, the LESA Blade Ku Aero stands out at the forefront. This aero terminal, designed specifically for in-flight connectivity, boasts a low-profile and is a fully electronically steerable antenna (ESA) with no moving parts. Its design not only ensures short acquisition times but also high dynamic tracking, ensuring optimal performance.

The compact nature of the LESA Blade makes it a versatile solution, catering to a wide range of airborne platforms from wide-body aircraft and executive aviation to rotary-wing operations. Essentially, it’s an all-encompassing solution for any in-flight connectivity needs. The low-profile design also offers a significant advantage for integration, fitting seamlessly with existing fuselage mount designs.

Challenges and Future Prospects

While MoComm technology has significantly improved in-flight connectivity, challenges remain. The complexity of managing multiple satellite constellations requires sophisticated hardware and software. Additionally, the initial investment can be substantial.

However, with the growing demand for in-flight connectivity and the continuous advancement in satellite technology, the future looks promising. Collaboration between airlines, hardware manufacturers, technology providers, and satellite operators will likely drive further innovation and reduce costs.


The introduction of Multi-orbit technology has marked a significant breakthrough in the evolution of Satellite communication in the aviation industry in general, and specifically with in-flight connectivity. By seamlessly blending and transferring networks between LEO, MEO, and GEO satellite constellations, it has transformed the in-flight experience for passengers. From improved connectivity to personalized services, like In-Flight entertainment, the benefits are manifold.

The sky is no longer the limit for staying connected, and the MoComm technology ensures that passengers remain online, even at 35,000 feet.     


Get SAT leading the In-Flight Connectivity transformation


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